July 26, 2024
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Top Story Fact Check Features Investigations News Politics Terrorism Monitor
Senator Ndume will no longer be entitled to several financial privileges He may be ex-communicated from the inner caucus of the National Assembly As from 2025, he may not be able to insert projects in the Appropriation Bill Ndume has been punished by the Senate previously, but he was always undaunted His political future now […]Continue Reading
Features Interviews Opinions Politics Top Story
BY CLEMENT OMANIBE Chief Comrade Amitolu Shittu is a man of many parts. He is a political scientist, analyst and security consultant. He is also an environmentalist and farmer. His impacts in the sociopolitical and economic development of Nigeria are legendary and transcends several positive results. His voice in national issues is as firm as […]Continue Reading
Banking Business Fact Check Features Investigations News Top Story
Key points: 78 countries, not only Nigeria, signed the EU-ACP Samoa Agreement EU financial support is worth 79.5 billion Euro Nigeria to export goods to EU now More EU investments expected in Nigeria EU to follow-up the agreement with training activities By Emmanuel Kwada The Samoa Agreement, signed between the European Union and 48 African, […]Continue Reading
Fact Check Features Interviews Investigations News Opinions Terrorism Monitor Top Story
Key Points: Boko Haram uses more female than male suicide bombing How the sect persuades women to become suicide bombers Gwoza still under Boko Haram control Borno residents worry as government ‘pampers’ repentant Boko Haram fighters ‘Government must defeat Boko Haram before granting them amnesty’ By Theophilus Abbah Boko Haram terrorists choose women for suicide […]Continue Reading
Features Interviews Investigations News Politics Terrorism Monitor Top Story
By Theophilus Abbah Scarcity, not caused by an increase in fuel price and devaluation of the Naira Crop production dipped since 2023 due to the activities of bandits Farmers in Plateau, Kaduna, Zamfara, Kaduna, Kogi Katsina prevented from planting and harvesting Irish potatoes, yam, rice, tomatoes, pepper, maize Waters from Bakalori dam, previously utilized by […]Continue Reading
Features Terrorism Monitor Top Story
Key points About 250 killed between February and early April, 2024 12 Local Government Areas under siege Ultimatum to foreign herders to leave fall on deaf ears ‘Governor does not visit victims’ ‘Crisis can’t end until government comes up with a data-based economic policy’ He is doing his best – spokesman By Charity Roberts On […]Continue Reading
Education Fact Check Features Investigations Media Politics Top Story
The 2023 elections fell short of the promises and expectations of Nigerians, in spite the deployment of world-class and highly expensive technology. The irregularities could put Professor Yakubu Mahmood in the bracket of past electoral chairmen who failed the integrity test. Theophilus Abbah, PhD The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Continue Reading