July 26, 2024
Home Posts tagged Nigerian Senate
Blogs Features Opinions Top Story
APC looking like a “janjaweed” party Nigeria of 2022 is not 1993 Tinubu has made a fatal error of judgment The adoption of a Muslim-Muslim Presidential and Vice Presidential ticket by the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), is capable of leading Nigeria to disintegration like Yugoslavia, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara, the immediate past Speaker of […]Continue Reading
Features Top Story
President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Abuja bade farewell to outgoing members of the Federal Executive Council (FEC), affirming that a significant number of them have been sufficiently equipped to aspire to higher elective offices, including the Office of the President. Speaking at a valedictory session for appointees leaving the cabinet to pursue political ambitions, Continue Reading
Fact Check Features Interviews Investigations Media Opinions Top Story
As the National Assembly has called for position papers on constitution review, a former Federal Permanent Secretary, Chief Robert Audu, submitted the following proposal: THE FEDERAL STRUCTURE AND POWER DEVOLUTION: 6-YEAR SINGLE TERM/5-YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN I again salute the wisdom of the Nigerian Senate in responding to the popular wish of the people by initiating […]Continue Reading
Blogs Fact Check Features Investigations Opinions Terrorism Monitor Top Story
Barrister Charles Odenigbo is a veteran journalist and lawyer. He is enthusiastic about unity, justice and economic development in Nigeria. In this interview, he speaks on what both federal and state governments should do to stem insecurity in the South-East.   How does the current insecurity affect national cohesion and the economy of the South-East? […]Continue Reading
Fact Check Features Interviews Investigations Terrorism Monitor Top Story
The United Kingdom’s All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief has made far-reaching recommendations to the Federal Government on how to tackle the killing of Christians and destruction of properties, especially in the North-Central and North-East, by marauding Fulani herdsmen in the name of herder-farmers conflict. The Continue Reading
Blogs Education Fact Check Features Interviews Investigations Media Opinions Top Story
By Theophilus Abbah The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, northern governors and traditional rulers, some governors of southern states, and apologists of the Buhari administration have made social media regulation a sing-song after the recent EndSARS protests. Though government claims that social media was used to peddle fake news, the fact is […]Continue Reading
Fact Check Features Interviews Media Top Story
…Says country’s unity won at a great cost. President Muhammadu Buhari, on Wednesday, in Abuja appealed to Nigerians to desist from actions and comments that could jeopardise the unity and progress of the nation. Launching the 2021 Armed Forces Remembrance Day (AFRD) Emblem and Appeal Fund, President Buhari said this year’s occasion reminds Nigerians of […]Continue Reading
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STATE HOUSE PRESS RELEASE At the last count, no fewer than 13 States have gone ahead to establish the Judicial Panels of Inquiry as resolved by the National Economic Council to address the question of redress and justice for victims of police brutality across the country. The States that have set up the panels so […]Continue Reading