July 27, 2024
Home Posts tagged ISIL
Blogs Features Investigations Opinions Terrorism Monitor Top Story
… In Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan… Terrorist organisations that harbour anti-establishment, anti-West, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic ideologies have stepped up their attacks, recording sinful successes and forcing back the hand of the clock where successes seemed to have been recorded in the last few years. In Nigeria, for instance, there have been more than five Continue Reading
Blogs Fact Check Features Investigations Opinions Terrorism Monitor Top Story Uncategorized
The United Nations Security Council report on the state of terrorist groups in the Levant (Syria and Iraq), Middle East, Europe, Africa, South-East Asia, Central and South Asia elicited diverse reactions in Nigeria. Prominence was given to the speculation that the Federal Government parted with huge sums as ransom to secure the release of 105 […]Continue Reading