July 27, 2024
Home Posts tagged Edwin Madunagu
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By Edwin Madunagu    Several times in the last ten years, I have compelled myself to discontinue public exploration, and application to Nigeria, of the concepts of “power bloc” and “popular-democratic restructuring”. These are concepts in which another concept – “the national question” or “ethnic nationality question” – plays an important, though neither dominant nor […]Continue Reading
Blogs Education Features Media Opinions Top Story
By Edwin Madunagu  The Nigerian Left has largely neglected, if not deliberately avoided a renewed ideological struggle that has become a strong factor in both the general turbulence and violence enveloping the whole country and the associated power struggle within the ruling class. The neglected or badly engaged ideological struggle may simply be described as […]Continue Reading
Blogs Education Fact Check Features Interviews Investigations Media Opinions Top Story
By Edwin Madunagu  What actually happened in Nigeria, from October 8, 2020 to the last week of that month? Did we see a protest, a revolt, an uprising, a rebellion, a nihilist – anarchist self-expression, an insurrection or a revolution? But why have I decided to put “revolution” last? Is it because it is the […]Continue Reading