September 8, 2024
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By Theophilus Abbah and Daniel Adaji Capital expenditure for COVID-19 in Nigeria’s 2022 annual budget looks slow to be released, 10 months into the year, data from the Open Treasury Portal (OTP) suggests. The OTP is a repository of the Federal Government’s expenditure. It shows that the last release for capital expenditure for COVID-19 was […]Continue Reading
Arts Banking Blogs Business Education Fact Check Features Health Interviews Investigations Media Opinions Photos Terrorism Monitor Top Story Tribute Uncategorized Zenith Bank, Cross Rivers, Nigeria, Banking, Economy
The people of Plateau State want their beloved Jos ultramodern Terminus Market rebuilt, but not in partnership with Shariah-compliant bank   By Joseph Dangyang in Jos. Conceived in1975 and completed 10 years later in 1985, the forward-looking and sprawling Jos Terminus Main Market, was the socio-economic signature of the old Benue-Plateau, and later Plateau State. […]Continue Reading